Hand Hewn LivinG

Welcome to my little home on the internet. If you don't know me, Im Selene and this page has housed many chapters of my life. it's where I started documenting our home restoration, where my photography career grew and lives, it was a landing spot for our wedding and now in a new turn of events, follows my care journey.

Through all those experiences, the words Hand Hewn Living always seem to fit. One of the definitions of hew is; to give form or shape, with heavy cutting blows. And I find myself looking at everything through that lens. To use oneself, one’s hands, and all other means to shape and change your life again and again. You will have many hard hitting cuts before the finished product but until then you just hit it again, maybe differently, until you find yourself at the spot you were working towards.

So for whatever reason you find yourself here for, I hope you take that sentiment away with you, to try hand hewn living in whatever capacity you need it. In the meantime i’ll be doing my best to keep on cutting away at whatever life has in store. *cue the cheesy movie montage music.

